RBS has three components:
- The Users
- The Roles
- The Permissions (AKA rights)
Permissions can be assigned to many roles.
(see the diagram on the wikipedia page here).
In the .NET framework Microsoft have developed classes such as WindowsPrincipal and GenericPrinciple to test whether a User is a member of a particular Role.
For example:
GenericIdentity identity = new GenericIdentity("IMitchell");
string[] roles = new string[] { "Administrator", "Manager" };
GenericPrincipal principle = new GenericPrincipal(identity, roles);
//Imperative Security Check
bool able = principle.IsInRole("Administrator");
//Declarative Security Check
[PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Role="Manager")]
private void DoSomething()
I don't think this is right... I don't think that roles should play a part in the programming. Really you should be checking if the user has the permission to do a certain task. Whether they have that aquired that right from being in role "Administrator" or role "Manager" is irrelevant to the program.string[] roles = new string[] { "Administrator", "Manager" };
GenericPrincipal principle = new GenericPrincipal(identity, roles);
//Imperative Security Check
bool able = principle.IsInRole("Administrator");
//Declarative Security Check
[PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Role="Manager")]
private void DoSomething()
Also, by including security checking based on role names you are imposing these on the end users... who would be far better off defining their own roles to reflect their own organisational structure.
A good example of a good RBS system in operation is in the Oracle Database. In the database various permissions to database objects are automatically defined by the database (e.g. select from aTable, execute stored procedure). Oracle leaves it to the Database Administrator to define their own roles and users and build the association. So one can assume that underneath the hood Oracle is actually checking whether the User has the permission rather than being concerned with how they got it!
I'm not going to be overly critical though, as Microsoft have provided the IPrinciple and IIdentity interfaces to help us build custom implementations of the RBS. I will be using these to develop a permission based checking security system. If I managed to develop this in a non-product specific way I'll post it on this blog in the near future.
* This of course is only my opinion ;)
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