Session 1 - Building applications in the ‘cloud’ with Azure services.
Started the day back with Christian Weyer for another of his amusing style of talks. This time he was introducing how Azure can be used to build applications in the ‘cloud’. The overall impression that I am getting of Azure is that it is a work in-progress. Christian demonstrated this by showing a technology uptake diagram, which well and truly placed ‘cloud’ computing in the emerging technologies section.Azure is organised into two types of service, web and worker services. The idea is that the services can be up scaled so that the capacity of the application can be increased. For example, if you have a particularly popular web service that starts getting hit by thousands or millions of users you can log into Azure and increase the number of service instances to cover this demand.
Underlying the two core service types is the service bus. This is basically an enterprise service bus in the ‘cloud’. It allows the management and routing of service interactions with services held within the cloud and locally.
Christian also briefly showed the Azure workflow services. These will allow processes or interactions between services to be mapped out visually. Azure workflow's are not based on standard Windows Workflow (WF). They only have a relatively small sub-set of activities that are very ‘cloud’ specific (e.g. connect to cloud service). Although WF seems to be a major part of Microsoft's ‘cloud’ master-plan, they are still far from stable.
Session 2 - The Patterns Dartboard.
For some light entertainment prior to lunch I decided to attend this talk on design patterns. The premise of this talk was that a dart was to be thrown at a ‘dartboard’ of design patterns. Whichever pattern the dart hit one of the presenters, Kevin Jones and Andy Clymery, would present to the group in no more than 15 minutes.During the next hour and a half they covered the Decorator, Factory, Active Record, State and Mode View Controller (MVC) design patterns. Of these I had particular interest in the Active Record presentation. Actually a first I had no idea what this design pattern was! Then as the presentation moved onwards I realised this is another name for what used to be my favorite design pattern, the Persistence pattern.
I have to say, I very rarely use Active Record (AKA Persistence) anymore, Though it is quite well suited to a small reliable system. I don’t know a great deal about Ruby on Rails but apparently this is the design pattern that it utilises.
For those not familiar with Active Record is that the class should contain the business logic and the code necessary to persist the object in the data store (usually some kind of database). Their interpretation of Active Record suggested that all ‘read’ actions should be static methods and all ‘write’ actions should be instance methods. The example class below demonstrates this:
public class MyClass
private int Id;
public static MyClass GetMyClass(int classId)
//database select code and return new object with data... }
public void Save()
//if object does not have ID then INSERT to database else UPDATE... } }
I must admit that in my my years of employing this design pattern it never occurred to me to implement the loading functions as static members.
Session 3 - WCF Security Architecture and Best Practice.
This was one of the ‘must-see’ sessions of the week for me, particularly due to recent issues that I have encountered with security within my WCF applications. Like many features within WCF this can be a confusing area as there is SO much that is configurable.Dominick Baier ran this session which went into incredible detail about the security options that are available within WCF. I can’t say that I managed to find an exact solution to my particular problem, but I found it a great grounding in the elements of WCF security (it’s all about the Binding!). Plus, I now have his email address - beware Dominick!
As I’m still taking in this wealth of knowledge it is difficult for me to expand any further at the moment.
Session 4 - Visual Studio 2008 IDE Tricks and Tips.
Can I first say that I attended this session purely as my brain couldn't take any more heavy talks on the second day. The WCF security session well and truly finished me off!Though I have to say that I will be using many of the short-cuts that were introduced in this session. Here is a website that summarises the standard shortcuts in Visual Studio.
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